[Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [36]    World Numbering Plan
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]  


World Numbering Plan

scc ts iac lnp unp gmtcalc itucn fecn tscom
1R1 011 N?  CANCanada  
1R1+*011 NY-5/-8 USAUnited States of America ST:30max / mostly R1 - TS depends on STC
7*? 810 N?+3 URSUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics SF1:1200-1600sep&com/SF2:2600/ST1:40mxb4rep-then150+-50
20? 00 N?+2 EGYEgypt (Arab Republic of)  
27C2* 09 N?+2 AFSSouth Africa (Republic of) SF1:600-750/SF2:2280/ST1:160-210/ST2:35max
30? 00 N?+2 GRCGreece  
31R2 09 NN+1 HOLNetherlands (Kingdom of the)  
32? 00* NY+1 BELBelgium  
33SKTL19 Y8+1 F France SF:2280 / 3850 / ST:35
33? 0 Y?+1 AND  
33? 19 Y?+1 MCOMonaco  
34SCTL07* N?+1 E Spain SF: 2500 / ST: 10
36*? 00* N?+1 HNGHungarien Peoples Democratic SF:2280/3825 (R2?) / ST:25
37? 06 NY+1 D Germany (Federal Republic of)  
38*? 99 N?+1 YUGYugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) SF:2280
39C4 00 N?+1 I Italy SF: 2040/2400 compound&sep. / ST: 35
40R2+*----N?+2 ROURomania (Socialist Republic of) SF:3825 or 2280
41? 00 Y?+1  Liechtenstein (Principality of)  
41*? 00 NY+1 SUISwitzerland (Confederation of) SF: 3000 / ST: 40
42C3 91 N?+1 TCHCzechoslovak Socialist Republic ST:150 then 130 (with filter)
43C3 00 N?+1 AUTAustria SF: 2280 / ST: 30
44*? 010 N?+0 G United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northerrn Ireland SF1:600-750/SF2:2280/ST1:140max/ST2:35max
45R2+*009 Y?+1 DNKDenmark SF1:3000/ST1:30-50 SF2:3825 R2
46*? 009 ??+1 S Sweden SF: 2400 / ST: 35-40
47*? 095 N?+1 NORNorway SF: 2400 / ST: 35
48*? 0*0 N?+1 POLPoland (Peoples Republic of) SF:2280/3825/500-20/2100
49? 00 NN+1 D Germany (Federal Republic of)  
51*? 00 N?-5 PRUPeru SF:3825/1380-1500/1620-1740/1860/1140-1020/900-780/660
52? 98 ??-6 MEXMexiko  
53*? ? N?-5 CUBCuba SF1:2100/ST1:60/SF2:3825/ST2:25
54R2 00 ??-3 ARGArgentine Republic  
55R2 00 ??-3 B Brazil (Federative Republic of) ST:30 max.
56R2 00* ??-4 CHLChile  
57? 90 N?-5 CLMColombia (Republic of)  
58? 00 N?-4 VENVenezuela (Republic of)  
60? 007 ??-6 MLAMalaysia  
61*? 0011??+8/+10 AUSAustralia SF: 600-750 (seperate) / ST: 160-210
62? 00 ??+7/+9 INSIndonesia (Republic of)  
63R2 00 N?+8 PHLPhilippines (Republic of the) OLD:R1 STOLD: 40+-10 ST:20
64*? 00 N?+12 NZLNew Zealand SF1:600-750/SF2:2280/ST1:140max/ST2:35ma
65? 005 Y?+8 SNGSingapore (Republic of)  
66R2 001 N?+7 THAThailand ST: 30-50
81R1 001 N?+9 J Japan ("Nippon")  
82R2 001 N?+9 KREKorea (Republic of)  
84? ? ??  VTNVietnam (Socialist Republic of)  
86? 00 N?+8 CI?China (Peoples Republic of)  
87? ? ??   Maritime Mobile Service  
90? 9*9 N?+2 TURTurkey  
91*? 00 ??+5.5 INDIndia (Republic of) SF:2400 / ST:25
92? 00 N?+5 PAKPakistan (Islamic Republic of)  
93? ? ??  AFGAfghanistan (Democratic Republic of)  
94? 00 N?+5.5 SLKSri Lanka  
95? ? ??  BRMBermudas  
98? 00 ??+3.5 IRNIran  
210C3 ? N?+0 MRCMorocco (Kingdom of)  
211C3 ? N?+0 MRCMorocco (Kingdom of)  
212C3 00* N?+0 MRCMorocco (Kingdom of)  
213*? 00* Y?  ALGAlgeria (Peoples Democratic Republic of) SF: 2000 / ST: 15 then 35 w.attend.18dB
214*? ? Y?  ALGAlgeria (Peoples Democratic Republic of) SF: 2000 / ST: 15 then 35 w.attend.18dB
215*? ? Y?  ALGAlgeria (Peoples Democratic Republic of) SF: 2000 / ST: 15 then 35 w.attend.18dB
216? 00 N?+1 TUNTunisia  
217? 00 N?+1 TUNTunisia  
218? 00 N?+2 LBYLibya (Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)  
219? ? N?+2 LBYLibya (Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)  
220? 00 N?+0 GMBGambia (Republic of the)  
221? 00 N?+0 SENSenegal  
222? 00 N?   Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)  
223? 00 Y?  MLIMali (Republic of)  
224? ? Y?  GNPGuinea-Bissau (Republic of)  
225? 00 Y?  CTIIvory Coast (Republic of the)  
226? 00 Y?+0  Upper Volta (Republic of the)  
227? ? Y?  NGRNiger (Republic of the)  
228? 00 Y?+0 TGOTogolese Republic  
229? 00* Y?  BENBenin (Peoples Republic of)  
230? ? Y?+4 MAUMauritius  
231R2 ? Y?+0 LBRLiberia (Republic of)  
232? ? N?+0 SRLSierra Leone  
233R2 ? N?+0 GHAGhana  
234? 009 N?+1 NIGNigeria (Federal Republic of)  
235? ----Y?  TCDChad (Republic of)  
236? ? ??  CAFCentral African Republic  
237R2 00 N?  CMECameroon (Republic of)  
238? 0 ??   Cape Verde (Republic of)  
239? ? ??   Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)  
240? ? ??   Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)  
241? 00 ??   Gabonese Republic  
242? 00 Y?  COGCongo (Peoples Republic of the)  
243? ? N?+1/+2 ZAIZaire (Republic of)  
245? ? ??  GNPGuinea-Bissau (Republic of)  
246? ? ??   Diego Garcia  
247? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
248? ? Y?+4 SEYSeychelles (Republic of)  
249? ? N?+2 SDNSudan (Democratic Republic of the)  
250? 00* Y?+2 RRWRwandese Republic  
251? 00 N?+3 ETHEthiopia  
252? ? ??  SOMSomali Democratic Republic  
253? 00 Y?+3 DJIDjibouti (Republic of)  
254C4 00 ??+2 KENKenya (Republic of) ST:40-60
255R2 ----N?+3 TGKTanzania (United Republic of)  
256C4 00 N?  UGAUganda (Republic of) SF: 2040/2400
257R2 90 N?+2 BDIBurundi (Republic of)  
258*? ? ??  MOZMozambique (Peoples Republic of) SF:2400/500-20/1625/3350/3825ST:35/40/60
259? ? ??   Zanzibar (Tanzania)  
260R2 00 N?+2 ZMBZambia  
261C3 16 N?+3 MDGMadagascar (Democratic Republic of)  
262? 19* Y?  REUReunion (French Department of)  
263? 110 N?+2 ZWEZimbabwe (Republic of)  
264? 09 N?+2 NMBNamibia  
265? 101 Y?+2 MWIMalawi  
266? 00 Y?  LSOLesotho (Kingdom of)  
267? 00 Y?  BOTBotswana (Republic of)  
268? 00 Y?+2 SWZSwaziland (Kingdom of)  
269? ? ??   Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the)  
280? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
281? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
282? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
283? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
284? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
285? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
286? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
287? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
288? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
289? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
290? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
291? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
292? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
293? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
294? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
295? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
296? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
298? 009 Y?+0 FARFaeroe Islands (Denmark)  
299? 009 Y?-3 GRLGreenland (Denmark)  
350? 00 Y?+0 GIBGibraltar  
351R2 00 N?  PORPortugal  
352R2 00 Y?  LUXLuxembourg ST:35-40
353C4* 16 N?+0 IRLIreland C4 + compound 2280 (C4 60 / X
354? 90 N?+0 ISLIceland  
355? ? ??  ALBAlbania (Socialist People's Republic of)  
356? 0 Y?  MLTMalta (Republic of)  
357R2 00 N?+2 CYPCyprus (Republic of) ST:35 max.
358? 990 N?+2 FNLFinland  
359? ? N?+2 BULBulgaria (Peoples Republic of)  
500? ? ??  FLKFalkland Islands (Malvinas)  
501? 00 ??  HNBBelize  
502? 00 N?-6 GTMGuatemala (Republic of)  
503? 0 Y?-6 SLVEl Salvador (Republic of)  
504? 00 Y?-6 HNDHonduras (Republic of)  
505? 00 N?-6 NCGNicaragua  
506? 00 Y?-6 CTRCosta Rica  
507? 00 Y?-5 PNRPanama (Republic of)  
508? 19* Y?  SPMSt. Pierre and Miquelon (French Department of)  
509? 00 Y?-5 HTIHaiti (Republic of)  
590? 19 Y?-4 GDLGuadeloupe (French Department of)  
591? ? N?-4 BOLBolivia (Republic of)  
592? 001 N?  GUBGuyana  
594? 19* Y?   Guiana (French Department of)  
595? * N?-4 PRGParaguay (Republic of)  
596? 19* Y?  MRTMartinique (French Department of)  
597R2 001*Y?-3.5 SURSuriname (Republic of)  
598? 00 N?-3 URGUruguay (Eastern Republic of)  
599? 00 N?-4.5 ATNNetherlands Antilles  
670? ? ??  MRAMariana Islands  
671? ? Y?  GUMGuam  
672*? ? ??  AUSAustralia SF: 600-750 (seperate) / ST: 160-210
673? 00 N?  BRUBrunei  
674? ? ??  NRUNauru (Republic of)  
675? 05 Y?+10 PNGPapua New Guinea  
676? ? ??  TONTonga (Kingdom of)  
677? ? ??   Solomon Islands  
678? ? ??   Vanuatu  
679R2 05 Y?+12 FJIFijii  
680? ? ??   Palau  
681? ? ??   Wallis and Futuna  
682? ? ??   Cook Islands  
683? ? ??   Niue Island  
684? ? ??   American Samoa  
685? ? ??   Western Samoa  
686? ? ??   Kiribati Republic  
687? 00 Y?  NCLNew Caledonia and Dependencies  
688? ? ??   Tuvalu  
689? ----??  OCEFrench Polynesia  
690? ? ??   Tokelan  
691? ? ??   F.S. of Micronesia  
692? ? ??   Marshall Islands  
800? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
801? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
802? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
803? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
804? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
805? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
806? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
807? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
808? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
809? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
830? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
831? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
832? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
833? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
834? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
835? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
836? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
837? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
838? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
839? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
850? ? ??  KORKorea (Democratic People's Republic of)  
851? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
852? 001 Y?+8 HKGHong-Kong  
853? 00 Y?   Macao  
854? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
855? ? ??   Democratic Kampuchea  
856? ? ??  LAOLao Peoples Democratic Republic  
857? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
858? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
859? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
871? 00 ??   INMARSAT (Atlantic)  
872? 00 ??   INMARSAT (Pacific)  
873? 00 ??   INMARSAT (Indian Ocean)  
880R2 00 ??+6 BGDBangladesh (Peoples Republic of) ST:28-55
886? 002 N?+8 TAITaiwan  
890? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
891? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
892? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
893? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
894? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
895? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
896? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
897? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
898? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
899? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
960? ? Y?+5 MLDMaldives (Republic of)  
961? ? Y?+2 LBNLebanon  
962R2 00 N?+2 JORJordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) ST: 10
963R2 ? N?+2 SYRSyrian Arab Republic  
964R2 ? N?+3 IRQIraq (Republic of)  
965? 00 Y?+3 KWTKuwait (State of)  
966? 0 N?+3 ARSSaudi Arabia (Kingdom of)  
967? 00 N?+2 YEMYemen Arab Republic  
968R2 00 Y?+4 OMAOman (Sultanate of) ST:10
969? ? ??   Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of)  
970? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
971? 00 N?+4 UAEUnited Arab Emirates  
972*? 00 ??+0 ISRIsrael (State of) SF: 3850
973? 0 Y?+3 BHRBahrain (State of)  
974? 0 Y?+3 QATQatar (State of)  
975? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
976? ? ??  MNGMongolian Peoples Republic  
977? 00 N?+5.5 NPLNepal  
978? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
978? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
979? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
990? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
991? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
992? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
993? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
994? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
995? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
996? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
997? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
998? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  
999? - -------------Nirwana, chaotism of  

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  [Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [36]    World Numbering Plan
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]